Thursday, July 10, 2014


I submitted a pin-up for our school's paper RAMpage. It's entitled Sisig Royale, a parodical reference to Battle Royale, a very famous Japanese movie/manga for its violent themes.

Here's a breakdown of the process:

I always start with a rough sketch of the scene.

Then I proceed to the detailed rough of the scene.

Inking process

I add some flat colors.

Add some effects to suggest perspective and foreshortening.

Add shadows and shading to add to the foreshortening effects.

I add highlights to support the shadings. Without the highlight the colors will still look flat.

I add the original logo of Battle Royale to which the pin-up is a reference of.

I alter the logo to suggest the punchline as a parody.

I add a red overlay to give it a violent vibe and mood.

I add the final touches to complete the piece.

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